$$CASH$$ up for grabs from Vimeo
Video hosting platform Vimeo.com says it’s set aside a development pot of ten million US dollars to support projects hosted under their paid on-demand system.
There’s a catch of course – creators must have raised over $10,000 on specific crowdfunding platforms or have been accepted to certain film festivals in order to qualify. If you’re one of them, Vimeo says it’ll “make websites, do translating and subtitling, and generally ensure more people see [the films]”. Which is quite groovy.
Also announced in the last few days is a refresh of the way the on-demand titles are displayed on the website, presumably with the hope of persuading more people to stump up cash as well as making it easier to find stuff you might want to watch. For the same sort of reason, they’ve also collated certain types of film into curated collections.
More info at http://vimeo.com/blog/post:616