New Mocha being served up
Music to the ears of Adobe’s After Affects and Premiere Pro users (and potentially other ears too; read on!) as Imagineer Systems is releasing a sort of “halfway house” version of its Mocha product, which will sit between the version bundled with After Effects CC and the full-blown Mocha Pro.
The new software, dubbed Mocha Plus, adds features over the bundled edition, as well as support for Premiere Pro. It offers a 3D camera solver, lens correction tools for After Effects and support for copying and pasting Mocha roto masks directly to the Premiere Pro timeline.

Intriguing news for non-Adobe users as well since the new release apparently also offers a degree of data interchange with Apple’s Final Cut Pro and Motion, as well as HitFilm, and Boris FX plug-ins, thereby offering medium-strength Mocha power to editing software that links with them.
For example, Sony Vegas Pro has integration with HitFilm (which usually comes bunded, like AE, with a “light” version of Mocha) and so can make use of HitFilm’s integration with Mocha Plus – according to Imagineer that means it can use 3D camera data from the software. Likewise, Boris FX’s Continuum will import the new Mocha’s track data.
The precise details of what fits with what is at
And they have a video all about it too: