July 27, 2024


Welcome to Tube Shooter, a personal blog about video cameras and accessories, for anyone interested in shooting video for the web.

I try never to publish press releases verbatim; they’re nearly always full of absurd hyperbole*. I prefer to read through the bumph with gritted teeth, establish what the actual story is – if indeed there is one at all – and write my own version in normal everyday English.

*All press releases welcomed, nonetheless. Speaking of which…

Contributions and Press Releases
I’m always delighted to hear from any companies who have news of an interesting audio-visual product or service; please get in touch via the Contact page. I cannot promise that contributions will be used and please note that all articles will all be sub-edited to my preferred style.

Review products
I am happy – nay, ecstatic – to receive products for review but on strict understanding that I will retain full independent editorial control of the published article / video and you won’t get to see or change it before publication. Also, I take no responsibility for the safe receipt, handling or return of unsolicited products.

David Johns

We use TSOHost.com for this website and are very happy with their service and support to date. If you’re looking to buy a domain name or for somewhere to host your site, please click through and we’ll get a small commission if you sign up; thanks.

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.