Editor launched within Google Chrome

WeVideo, a website that provides video editing “in the cloud” (aka through a web browser, in more prosaic terms), has launched an interesting video editor that works as an add-on to Googe’s Chrome browser.

The idea is that the bulk of the processing is done by web servers and the browser just acts as the interface; this means you can edit with a relatively light-powered machine and of course, do so from anywhere there’s a sufficiently good Internet connection.

Project files can be worked on from local storage such as portable hard discs but the editor will then synchronise and upload those files to the web so that you can work on them later without needing those drives again.

Editing features include trimming clips, adding text and music, and publishing to Google+ and WeVideo itself.

You can load the app into Chrome from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/wevideo-next/limlkeaboocfcfncjkkghclkjidbedem

Here’s their video about it:

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